Welcome to our current B2B gun auction.
Current auction ends in
Here you will find interesting firearms from all categories, that we offer exclusively to our selected B2B partners.
Each gun has been checked by our gunsmith and corresponds to the description!
Trust in our company slogan: Competent | Reliable | Fair
If you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We hope you enjoy browsing and look forward to your bids.
Auction conditions and general notes
- Our gun auctions are all silent first-bid auctions and they are only activated for two weeks
at a time. This means that you can only place bids during this period. - We set the minimum bid for each gun. Bids below the minimum bid are not possible and
we do not negotiate the minimum bid. - The submission of bids is secret, only we can see the bids. The best bid is awarded the
contract and the winner receives an invoice for the amount of their bid. If there are
several bids of the same amount, the winner is the one who bid first. There are no fees or
other costs. - The purchase contract is concluded when we issues an invoice.
- For occasional purchases, we do not ship directly to your country primarily for tax
reasons. The shipment is then made to a German dealer who carries out the export on
your behalf. We do not charge for delivery within Germany. Alternatively, you can also
come and collect the goods from us. - Unfortunately, we cannot offer you long-term storage of the purchased guns. If you
regularly buy larger quantities of guns from us, we can negotiate a direct export through